The full form of PNR is passenger name reservation. Indian Railways train tickets consist of a total of 10 digit numbers, this is called PNR number. After booking your tickets the central railway information system could save it for nine months after that it will be removed. If you want to know about your railway journey first you should check your PNR details. Now it’s easy to check this status there are many options are available where you can check and get all the information. Here you will get all the detail about the PNR number.
This PNR number is generated for different types of trains, like regular passenger trains, express trains. PNR status types, CAN status GNWL status, RLWL status, NOSB status. CAN status meaning your ticket has cancelled. RLWL status defines that it is mainly for those who want to travel between intermediate stations. NOSB it stands for child passenger if they are below 12 then no seat is being reserved for them. GNWL it shows that your name is on the waiting list, if someone cancels their ticket then you can use their seat.
How to Check PNR Status
For checking your PNR status online live, you can try online apps. You can download the app then need to visit their official website, enter your PNR number after that you need to wait for few seconds then you will get the details. There are many apps or websites where you can directly check your status.
You can download online apps from play store to check your PNR details, there are many options that are available, all you need just to enter the number. You can also download train tickets from PNR. After booking your tickets from any online site you can download or print the tickets by your PNR number. You can also download some railway apps where you can check all the details
The process to download your ticket, you need to log in the site then enter your PNR number, click on the search option after that you can see the last booking details then click on the print option.
You can check using SMS all you need to do is you can send a message to 139 or make a call on this number. If you want to check by SMS then type PNR then within a few minutes you will get all the details about.
You need to enter your PNR number and then get all the details. A new window will appear showing your current status. Sometimes you might get confused that you can check the status online by entering the passenger name.
Importance of the PNR Number
The best thing about PNR number is you can easily travel with just this number, what if you don’t have your ticket do not need to worry if you have the number then you can show it. So PNR number is important for many reasons.

After all, it’s about your travel, before travelling you should know about all the details, so that’s why PNR status is really important. It’s basically a record of your travel.
PNR status is important because it is used to access the name, date as well destination etc. Booking tickets, departure, arrival and confirmation for these reasons your PNR number could be found. This status saves all the important records. So basically your PNR can help you to get many details, this PNR number can help you to download train tickets. After booking your tickets from any online site you can download or print the tickets by using your PNR number.
So if you want to check your PNR status, nowadays it’s easy to get all the details. You just need to enter the number in the search bar, after that, it will show the status. Though you could see the number on the left side.
With your PNR number, you can get to know that how long do you need to wait for your confirmation. Before traveling you should check the PNR status details, besides online apps, you can check by SMS or call. In this article, we lined up the best possible way to get to know about your PNR status, we hope it will help you.