When you are involved in food manufacturing, you need to make sure that you can track and find every ingredient as it passes through the system. Though something might seem like it is innocent enough, you need to be able to accurately track it in case it causes an allergic reaction in somebody. Let’s go into more detail about the importance of monitoring allergens in food manufacturing.
Rare Allergens
One of the most common allergies is that of peanuts, so, likely, you are already tracing any usage of this in your operations. However, you also need to make sure that you are accounting for rarer allergies too. Many out there have a rare allergy that is potentially life-threatening, and they should be as free to navigate the world of food as someone with no allergy.
For example, one rare allergy that can affect someone’s ability to choose food is that of the Lamiaceae family. These are aromatic plants such as lavender, basil, and sage to name a few. They are often commonly used as herbs and seasonings, and they need to be tracked and accounted for as much as any other ingredient.

If an allergen does cause a reaction in a customer, the company needs to be able to hold accountability to itself for the error. Changes will need to be made to ensure nothing like this can happen again. As a result, there needs to be a system in place that will allow for the proper tracking and checking of the processes used to create the food item.
A good traceability system will be able to monitor ingredients at every stage of the operation. It could even be used to check who was in charge of each stage, potentially revealing the team member who made this error. This information can then be used for further training to ensure that such an incident will not happen again.
A food and beverage company needs to have a certain reputation to maintain. No matter what, they have to be dedicated to delivering the best quality of sustenance possible, and they need to make sure that they are building and maintaining their reputation at all times.
Therefore, a system for traceability must be in place that will monitor allergens. Repeated and mistaken issues with allergens will do nothing for a brand’s reputation and profitability. For the most success, and for a positive reputation with consumers, allergen control is going to be key.
Luckily, there are many ways in which allergen control can be properly monitored within a company. Any food manufacturing facility needs to ensure that they are looking into their usage of allergens and the practices they have in place for maximum traceability and minimal cross-contamination. Any company that fails to do so could land themselves in a lot of issues. This is such an easy system to set up, and it is vital for the success of the business overall.