The term ‘chiropractic’ is derived from two words of the Greek language, “cheir” (means ‘hand’) and “praktikos” (means ‘done’) – namely, done with one’s hand. Like lower back pain, many problems, effects of severe accidents, if left unchecked, can make you more vulnerable to long-term problems. Chiropractic care is an adjustment of the nervous systems, referred to as spinal manipulation, which is a broad term used for various kinds of remedial movement of the vertebral column. It frequently implies the application of quick but intense pressure on a joint between two vertebrae of the spinal cord.
Chiropractors can amazingly treat numerous conditions like anxiety, migraines, digestive problems, and chronic pain by making use of chiropractic techniques. A chiropractic adjustment is a very secure, unique, and controlled force acted upon a joint to rejuvenate proper function and ability to move. As there are numerous chiropractic treatments available, so before seeking any one of them, it is the best idea to first learn about many chiropractic adjustment methods and how they help resolve medical problems. Here are many basic techniques often used and some details about what your Chiropractors exactly do!
Gonstead Adjustment
The Gonstead technique is a chiropractic treatment that was first introduced by Clarence Gonstead in 1923. This adjusting technique is trendy in chiropractic schools. This hands-on method usually involves adjusting the back or hips’ bottom as the patient lies on his side. It can address incorrect alignment and fixations in all vertebral column regions and uses various levels of pressure. This treatment sometimes demands a particular positioning. For this purpose, Chiropractors often use specific tables and chairs that help this method to work accurately.
Activator Method Chiropractic Technique (AMCT)
The Activator technique is a fantastic method usually done with the patient lying face-down on the smooth table. In this particular technique, a chiropractor uses a tiny portable spring-loaded tool known as the Activator Adjusting Instrument that exerts a force to the spine. This force makes you feel light when used to resolve any problem from backache to many types of pains, like migraines. This spring-biased instrument is used to restore the tone of the nervous system. This is a very mild method and best for child patients and patients with severe complications such as arthritis.
Thompson, or Drop Table, Technique
This involves a specially constructed table with loaded platforms planned to drop a fraction of an inch when the chiropractor exerts a sudden force to adjust. This provides patients a gentle adjustment while also minimizing the chances of damaging the chiropractor’s body because the dropping instrument aids the manipulation. A less forceful impulse is delivered to a joint, which then sets the drop piece into motion and reaches the particular joint. If you are looking for professional and knowledgeable physical therapists to treat your back pain, consider practices such as South Bay Pain & Wellness when choosing a clinic.
Diversified Technique
Direct thrust technique, also called the diversified technique, is one of the remote and the most frequently used methods because almost 96% of chiropractors test it on 70% of their patients. This technique has three primary goals, to revive spinal adjustment by gentle hands-on forces, restore joint aberration, and make sure the correct movement and mobility. It requires a high-speed, low-amplitude impulse that often gives rise to cavitation of a joint (instant, shallow impulse that results in the popping or cracking sound often linked with a chiropractic adjustment).
Flexion-Distraction Technique
Also known as Cox Technique, flexion-distraction is one of the uncommon adjustment methods utilized by chiropractors. This technique is used to resolve many coccyx problems, i.e., Lumbar disc injuries, pelvic pain, radicular leg pain(Sciatica), Osteoarthritis, Sprain & strain, and abnormal curves of the spine(Scoliosis). It emphasizes P-A adjusting instead of rotary adjusting but is still done by hand and often brings about joint cavitation. There is a specific table that permits the chiropractor to alter the position of the patient’s vertebral column to use flexion distraction.
Soft Tissue Therapy
Soft Tissue Therapy is all about restoring the body’s soft joints, i.e., muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, etc. This therapy helps relieve the soft tissue aches and pains linked with every day and job-related stresses, overutilization of muscles, and many acute conditions. The therapy concentrates on muscles rather than on the spine. In this way, muscles get rid of neuro-toxins and bring about a noticeable improvement in blood and circulation flow.

Spinal Mobilization
One of the famous and familiar therapeutic techniques is spinal mobilization. This technique is just like the diversified technique – it aims to revive and improve joint mobility. It uses a pleasant thrusting force and stretching to operate the joints and enhance their mobility by using hands or activation of the spinal joints using any device. This fast manipulation is usually known as a “high velocity, low amplitude” thrust (HVLA).
Logan Chiropractic Technique
The Logan technique is an adjustment technique that involves exerting mild pressure on a leverage spot on the pelvic girdle. This light pressure will help to analyze the back and hips’ muscles and reorient the bones of the vertebral column, lessens headaches, and relieves the anxiety and stress in the body. The gentle thrust is applied to many spinal levels to minimize pain and rehabilitate the muscle balance. This makes the procedure very comfortable and pleasant. Therefore, it is a very productive technique for many chiropractors to use.
Sacro-Occipital Technique
This is a well-liked chiropractic adjustment technique that uses wedge-shaped blocks usually set under the subject patient’s hips to overcome the complications identified in the lower spine.
Spinal Decompression
It aims to expand and relax the dorsal region. Patients lie on a tensile table that may or may not be automatic, which helps the backbone stop and stretch. This technique is typically best for those who suffer from a ruptured intervertebral disc(disc herniation).