Over 87 million people in the US participate in recreational boating activities. There’s no denying that it’s a popular and enjoyable pastime for many.
Whether you’re experienced in boat safety or newly looking into owning a boat, it’s essential to take the proper steps to be safe. Read on to learn seven boating tips that will help you stay afloat and ensure that everyone on board has a good time.
Know your Switch Panel
One of the most critical aspects of driving a boat is knowing your switch panel and its functions like the back of your hand.
Your switch panel controls everything, so having things work as simply and seamlessly as possible is essential. Consider looking up “what is a rocker switch?” to learn about one great option to keep in mind when you’re setting up your switch panel.
Wear a Lifejacket
Out of all boating accident deaths, the vast majority occur from drowning.
Even strong swimmers can become drowning victims when conditions are rough, or a serious accident occurs. Wearing a life jacket is a simple way to help prevent this issue and keep you safe. Think about keeping extras on board, too, in case one gets damaged or lost at some point while you’re out.
Check the Weather
Before heading out on the water, you should always check the weather. But, even if you checked it before leaving your home, it’s a good idea to take another look just before leaving the dock or launch.
Weather conditions can change rapidly, and experienced or not; severe weather conditions can lead to dangerous situations.
Bring an Extra Layer
75 and sunny might seem like the perfect tank top weather, but being out on the water might change your mind.
Temperatures always drop out when you’re on the water, and winds from the boat traveling can make it seem even cooler. So rather than wasting the day shivering, it’s wise to pack a sweatshirt or light jacket.
First Aid Kit
One of the most important things for boat safety is keeping a well-stocked first aid kit on the boat. Accidents happen, and if you’re far out enough, it will take a while to get back and seek medical care.

Even if something minor occurs, like a small cut or scrape, it’s still easier to have supplies on hand to bandage it up and go on enjoying the day rather than having to cut things short or deal with the annoyance until you’re back onshore.
Secure your Valuables
Chances are, you don’t want to leave your phone, keys, or wallet behind. But, it’s important to make sure that they’re secured and properly stored.
If possible, consider investing in a waterproof case to store these items and keep them in an area of the boat where they won’t easily be jostled and end up in the water.
Another great thing to keep on your boat is a toolbox that contains the tools needed to fix basic issues that might come up. You will be glad that you have this with you to make quick fixes instead of potentially waiting hours for help to arrive.
Basic Boating Tips could Save the Day
These boating tips might seem basic, but keeping them in mind can be the difference between a fun day in the sun and a complete disaster.
Boating is a great activity to take part in, but you need to take boat safety seriously to keep everyone safe.