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How does Court Sentencing Work? What Judges Look for

Did you know various criminal justice systems across the States hold around two million Americans? There are different average sentences for crimes in the States. If you want to learn more about court sentencing, keep reading.

In this guide, you’ll learn about the different types of court sentences. Some sentences allow you to complete your time at home. Work with an attorney to help you through this process.

Ready to learn more? Check out the article below.

Sentencing Guidelines for a Particular Crime

A judge will need to determine the guidelines for the particular crime. Some crimes will have a mandatory sentence. Other cases allow a judge to have more discretion. But there are specific ranges and options they’ll review.

Looking Into Your Past

When a judge determines the sentencing law, they will look at past criminal history. Is there a previous conviction for the same crime? Were any victims injured? What is the mental state of the defendant?

The judge will also look at if the defendant’s remorseful.

Work with an Attorney

You can make a statement before the sentencing. Talk to a local attorney or lawyers from nicewicz.com to find out if it’s in your best interests.

Sometimes, the victims of specific crimes will choose to provide an impact statement.

If you believe you will get convicted of a crime, think about how you will create a defense strategy. You will need to figure out how to lower any penalties you could receive.

What do Sentences Involve?

Some sentences involve imprisonment, which is another term for incarceration. Imprisonment will get served in a Federal Bureau of Prisons facility.

The judge will sometimes impose a home confinement sentence. The defendant will perform some or all of their time at home.

But they will need to wear a monitoring device. The defendant might leave for medical care or attend court proceedings.

Probation is a period where the defendant must follow court-mandated conditions. The terms for a supervised release will vary and cover different topics.

Community service is a standard condition in this situation. If you don’t comply with the terms, you could become imprisoned.


Monetary penalties are another sentence. They get levied as a fine paid as restitution to victims or a fine to the government. The court will ask the defendant to lose any assets they received from the crime.

A judge will impose a sufficient sentence, but not more extensive than necessary. They want defendants to respect the law and understand the seriousness.

This will deter criminal conduct and help to protect the public from other crimes.

Understanding Court Sentencing

We hope this guide on court sentencing was helpful. The average sentence for crimes will depend on the particular offense committed. Some people complete their sentence at home, while others will serve time in prison.

You might need to pay back a fine to the government or the victim’s family.

How does Court Sentencing Work? What Judges Look for

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