Who wants to remain unhealthy? A healthy life is a dream of every eye. Especially when you have gone through a surgery or serious illness. Quick and efficient recovery is needed to return to routine. Bones are the basic structure of the human body that helps in the locomotion of the body. They need to be strong and healthy. Because without moving we cannot work. Bones may get some serious or mild injury that disturbs locomotion. Your orthopedic surgeon may recommend bone surgery for proper repair.
After bone surgery, healing of the wound takes time and care. For a healthy recovery proper rest and recommended exercises needed to keep the treated joint or bone in its proper function. Along with this your Orthopedic surgeon also suggests essential intakes to recover faster. Orthopedic surgeries put a lot of stress on the body. The rate of body metabolism increases to recover quickly. Thus proper nutrition is required to provide energy to the body for working properly in the repairing process. Here are a few essential intakes that you must add to your diet after orthopedic surgery.
55% of the bone is made up of proteins. Protein helps to produce hormones that work in building bones. A deficiency in protein can decrease these hormones secretion which in return leads to poor bone health. As far as recovery of bone after surgery is concerned proteins are essential to prevent bone loss. Moreover, there are also chances of getting an infection after surgery. Proteins keep infection at Bay and work to increase the mass of bone. So protein is an essential part of food that promotes healing after surgery. Listen to your Orthopedic surgeon and add proteins to your diet to trigger recovery.
Some people like meat while others are vegetarian. So don’t worry if you are veggie or non-veggie because proteins can be obtained from vegetables as well as meat. For vegetarians, soybean products, Lentils, Artichokes, beans, spinach, quinoa, peas, and chia seeds are a good source of proteins. And for those who like to eat non-veg can grab proteins from meat, egg, seafood, and chicken. According to the Orthopedic surgeon to assist the healing process, there should be 1 to 1.2 grams of protein every kilogram of body weight.
Calcium is an important mineral that helps in the formation of bones. Our body extracts calcium from bones to maintain blood calcium levels. So a little deficiency in calcium can lead to disastrous outcomes for your skeleton system. Especially after surgery, the orthopedic surgeon recommends calcium intake to keep bone healthy. Like protein, It helps in the formation of bones. Calcium is also important for other body parts to work properly. Like the brain, heart and muscles need calcium for proper functioning. Thus after surgery, the working of the whole body is disturbed to some extent. To keep them work efficiently intake of calcium is necessary.
Dairy products like cheese, milk, yogurt, butter are rich in calcium. They help to strengthen bones. Seeds and rice milk also have a sufficient amount of calcium. Even vegetables such as broccoli, kale, and spinach, etc are a good source of calcium. A person should take in 600- 1000 milligrams of calcium in a day to maintain the calcium level in the body and for quick recovery.
Vitamin D
Our digestive system cannot absorb and utilize calcium properly. Vitamin D helps to extract calcium for the body. Thus vitamin D works along with calcium to make bones healthy and strong. Sun is a good source of vitamin D but that doesn’t enough. Oral intake of vitamin D is essential for healing bone wounds. Your Orthopedic surgeon may give vitamin D supplements for better recovery. But, organic foods such as tuna, cheese, egg, salmon, and fatty fish also provide a small quantity of vitamin D.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C will be must recommended by your orthopedic surgeon in Pakistan after surgery. Its antioxidant properties help keep the immune system function properly. Moreover, it heals the wound faster. Vitamin C prevents disease by neutralizing free radicals in the body. It aids collagen synthesis which is essential to repair ligaments, tissues, tendons, and other wounds after surgery. Therefore, adding vitamin C to the diet chart for orthopedic patients is important for quick healing. 500mg of vitamin C should be taken daily by patients after Orthopedic surgery. Vitamin C is found rich in citrus fruits like strawberries, kiwi, lemon, orange, etc. some vegetables are also a source of vitamin C which includes broccoli, bell peppers, sprouts, Brussels, etc.

Like other important vitamins and minerals, zinc is also an important element in food that help in recovery after bone surgery. It improves bone health and plays an important role in every stage of the healing process. Whether it is a membrane repair, coagulation, oxidative stress, inflammation, or defense for immune. Every stage till scar formation is regulated by zinc. Zinc deficiency may lead to poor bone conditions after surgery. As zinc plays a major role in collagen synthesis, it also prevents osteoporosis. Zinc is most abundantly found in oysters, meat, cereals, beans, dairy products, nuts, and dark poultry. Still, if you have any issues regarding zinc deficiency consult an orthopedic surgeon for a better recommendation of zinc source to heal faster.
Omega 3
Omega 3 is an anti-inflammatory and helps in the formation of bones. DHA and EPA present in this prevent the bone loss. Also, omega 3 protects against agents that cause disease or infection. So, it is an important element to keep away infection and repair bone faster. Fatty fish which includes salmon and tuna are the major source of Omega 3. Walnuts, canola, flax seeds, and tofu are some of the vegetarian sources of omega 3.
After surgery, your orthopedic Surgeon will prescribe painkillers to remove pain in the wound. These painkillers upset the digestive system causing problems such as constipation. Eating food rich in fiber will help to ease the digestive tract. Along with this, you need to drink a lot of water. With better digestion, nutrients and vitamins are absorbed quickly to the bloodstream thus healing of wound become faster. Whole grains, fruits, and green vegetables are the best sources of fibers.
Here are the essential intakes that are required to get better and healthy recovery after orthopedic surgery. But be sure to consult your orthopedic surgeon to take these nutrients in a balanced way. Your body does not make these nutrients instead you have to take them orally through food.