Opportunities don't happen, you create them.

The Definitive Guide to Successful Real Estate Marketing

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There are over one million real estate agents in the U.S, which shows you must find ways to cut through the noise. Clients are the lifeblood of every real estate agent’s business, so it’s important to constantly grow your customer base to make a profit. Perhaps you’re struggling with your real estate marketing efforts and you’re looking for inspiration. Sounds like you? Don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place. Here is everything you need to know.

Outline your Budget

Before implementing your digital marketing strategy, you must outline your budget. If you have the funds, invest at least 15 percent of your commission back into marketing. This will also give you an idea of how much you can spend on your business website, so you don’t drain your funds.

Know your Target Audience

As a real estate agent, you must know your target audience. This is your ideal customer to who you want to sell your services. For instance, decide if you want a luxury real estate business or for first-time buyers.

Create a Website

One in four small businesses doesn’t have a website, which means their business is losing out on leads. But don’t make this mistake, instead work with a web developer to create an easy-to-use site so prospects turn into customers.

Having a website shows that you’re credible and care enough about your brand to make it official. You should also post your social media channels and create a blog page, so you can fill your site with valuable content. Do not forget to go for eCommerce SEO services as it is the backbone of digital marketing. Making an elegant website isn’t enough in today’s world of voice search. People google their queries using voice or text commands. Improving your position in SERP and maintaining helps to generate more sales.

Use Content Marketing

Every online business harnesses the power of content marketing to reach new audiences. An effective method is blogging on your website by publishing useful posts. But it’s important to note that this doesn’t guarantee instant rewards, instead you must post several times a week for months to build a following. Eventually, the reward will pay off as it shows you offer value to prospects and solidify yourself as an industry expert.

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If you’re not a fan of writing, then try real estate video marketing. You could show customers how you run a real estate business or show viewers how to find their perfect home.

Harness the Power of Social Media

It’s no surprise that social media is crucial in your digital marketing strategy. Create an account on multiple channels to improve your chances of reaching new clients. The most important ones are Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Once you’re set up, schedule real estate social media content so you’re posting every day.

It’s important to note that your strategy will depend on the platform. If you use Twitter, for example, focus on using relevant hashtags so you can target your ideal customer. You should use trending hashtags in your industry as it will help you engage with popular real estate agents or companies.

Attend Local Events

As a real estate agent, you must stay at the forefront of your customers’ minds. Aside from using social media, attend local events to raise awareness of your brand. A fantastic place for real estate agents to meet is at the Real Estate Investors Association Meetings) so you can learn, network, and grow.

If you’re attending local events, don’t forget to hand out your business cards. Aside from being well-designed, make sure you include essential information like name, contact details, and your brand logo.

Try Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Don’t underestimate the power of word-of-mouth marketing. You could create a referral program so clients raise awareness of your brand and you capitalize on the free advertising. Because of this, make sure you treat customers well and if one does disagree with you, then fix it, so you don’t garner a bad reputation.

Create an Email Marketing Campaign

A fantastic way to stay on a client’s radar is by creating an email subscriber list. Then, create emails to follow up with buyers after they’ve shown interest in your site or made a purchase. If you struggle with time, use an automated service like MailChimp so you can reach more prospects.

Invest in PPC Ads

Pay-per-click ads are an affordable method of driving traffic to your site, whether it’s to gain clients or for a property listing. But you must constantly analyze the data so you see fast results. For instance, Google Analytics is fantastic for this.

Reach Out to Local TV and Radio Stations

Although real estate agents focus mostly on social media, it doesn’t hurt to reach out to your local TV and radio stations. It’s cheaper than hiring a PR firm and you’ll be engaging older viewers or listeners who have the finances for a home.

Start by Googling stations and send them a letter or a video pitching your real estate company. Don’t be disheartened if you don’t get instant replies, keep trying and you’ll eventually see results.

Sign Up to Zillow

Everyone in the real estate industry knows how powerful Zillow is for landing clients. Most buyers and sellers use the platform to learn more about the market and find their dream home.

Once you’re signed up, create a profile and ask clients to leave a stellar review so prospects know you’re worth their time. Eventually, when you’ve established, run ads and you’ll see a huge spike in interest.

Enjoy these Real Estate Marketing Tips

Hopefully, after reading this article, you’ll use these real estate marketing tips.

Start by outlining your budget, understand your target audience, and harness the power of social media marketing. You should also regularly post valuable content and start a referral program to raise awareness of your business.

The Definitive Guide to Successful Real Estate Marketing

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