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mental health

When Should you Go to Therapy? A Guide

Everyone is suffering from some type of mental issue, be it mere stress or chronic depression. And people all need to get some sort of treatment for those issues. Some mental health solutions can be holistically treated with exercise, breathing techniques, etc. Others may need much more serious treatment, and it may have to start […]

Common Reasons to Use a Medical Scooter

Medical scooters offer those with mobility issues much-needed independence when walking has become an issue. Users can carry out even the most mundane tasks and daily errands without any assistance, which ultimately helps to improve both their social and mental health in the process. If you’ve been experiencing pain and fatigue, we’ve put together reasons […]

6 Questions About Parkinson’s Disease to Ask your Doctor

Parkinson’s disease affects millions across the world, but you can live a valuable and meaningful life post-diagnosis. In fact, you can live for 20 years or more after a diagnosis. It depends on the level of care you receive and your own ability to navigate the disease. That starts with being your own best advocate. […]

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