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5 Biggest Web Design Mistakes, and How to Avoid them

biggest web design mistakes

Did you know that, as of 2021, there were almost two billion websites already on the internet? That number grows every single day, so it is vital that you make sure your website stands out from the rest.

If you are trying to build a business website, you may be wondering how to create a responsive web design that potential customers will love. Here are some of the biggest web design mistakes to avoid in the process.

Long Paragraphs of Content

The human brain gets distracted if it sees large blocks of content on a web page. Naturally, users are inclined to skim rather than read content if it is bunched into longer paragraphs.

Break up text into manageable blocks and intersperse them with media and other responsive web design elements.

Poor Quality Media

The last thing someone wants to see when they load a web page is a blurry picture or video. Make sure that your media is high resolution so that it forms a crisp image for viewers.

If you use copyrighted images, you need to buy rights to have them on your page or follow instructions from the creator. Many curated picture sites have plenty of high-quality images that you can utilize.

No Mobile-Friendly Design

One of the biggest elements that could make or break your website is how mobile-friendly it is. Many people use their phones or tablets to access the internet, so you need to make sure that it works for touchscreens and users who have smaller screens.

If you need help with a touch-responsive web design, it may be in your best interest to hire a competition website builder to outrank other sites in your industry.

No Contact Information

It may seem simple, but too many websites leave out places where customers can contact the business. If you do not want to design a page for correspondence, you can at least include things like your mailing address, phone number, and email contact on the top or bottom of the page.

web designing

However, it may be worth it to design a simple contact form to make it easier for people to send you questions.

Too Many Elements

You may want to include every picture, video, or link on your page, but too many elements at once can create a cluttered look. Sometimes on the mobile version of a site, they can overlap one another like disruptive pop-ups and interfere with loading time.

Avoid these Biggest Web Design Mistakes

If you want to have a website that attracts customers, you should make sure that it looks its best. With this guide, you can steer clear of the biggest web design mistakes and build the business website of your dreams.

5 Biggest Web Design Mistakes, and How to Avoid them

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